Loading Inventory Lists

Alternatively to copy/pasting your list of ISBNs directly into the Stock Assist page, you may upload your list instead.

Review our condition requirements prior to loading your list for the best results. Items that do not meet the condition guidelines will be not be accepted for payment.

Creating your list.

Create a manifest of your items with three columns: ISBN, Quantity and Minimum Price.

Click here to download a template file.

What if my book doesn't have an ISBN?

If you can’t find the ISBN on the front or back cover of your book, check the first and last few pages. Older books may have just the ISBN listed without a barcode. If your book was published prior to 1970, then it may not have an ISBN. Unfortunately, we can't buy back books that do not have an ISBN.

Uploading your list.

Log into your account and follow these steps.

  1. Click on the Stock Assist tab in your account. Click “Browse” and upload your file. This may take a few minutes depending on the list size.
  2. Review your price quotes. You can filter results by price. Specify a minimum price in your file and filter results based on quotes above that minimum price.
  3. Choose the quotes you like. Quotes expire after 30 minutes. During this window you can access pending quotes by clicking the ‘Transactions’ link in your Stock Assist account dashboard and selecting Stock Assist in the dropdown menu. To add books to your cart flip the corresponding switch under ‘Add to Cart’ to the right of each ISBN.
  4. After selecting the quotes you like, click ‘Place order.’ Next select the box confirming that your textbooks are valid (not counterfeit) and were lawfully acquired. You will have whatever time is left of your 30 minutes to confirm your quote.

Import Note: Timing and Prices

Since the Valore Marketplace is an active marketplace please remember that prices fluctuate.

If you are not happy with some quotes, you can select just the ones you want, or come back later and try us again. We tend to see the highest prices at the end of semesters: April, May and June; then again in October, November and December. 

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