Stock Assist Payments
Payments are made via check or PayPal, depending on the preferences you entered in the 'Settings' page. Please keep in mind check payments may take up to 14 business days to arrive after processing.
How long will it take to get paid after I ship my items?
After shipping your inventory, we’ll evaluate your books and process your payment. Generally speaking, the below timeline applies to all orders:
- Within 2-7 business days of dropping off your package: Your items will arrive at our warehouse.
- Within 2-5 business days of receipt of your package: We'll evaluate your items to ensure that they meet our standards.
- Within 14 business days of your items being approved: We'll issue your payment.
What happens if one of my items was not accepted for Stock Assist?
You will not receive payment for items that can not be accepted. Please see Stock Assist returns for additional details.