How is Source different from other merchants?
In the past we have only allowed third-party sourcing vendors access to our online sales marketplace. This means that they have only had access to what our marketplace of online sellers have listed through our Valore Marketplace Sell program.
Now, with ValoreBooks Source, we are giving stores access to both our online sales marketplace AND our online buyback marketplace - the only textbook buyback marketplace of its kind. Through this buyback marketplace, stores will have direct access to millions of students who sell their used textbooks through five channels of inventory.
How are you different from other alternative sourcing solutions?
- Direct access to students.
- In addition to giving you access to used textbooks from online sellers and bookstores, we are the only company that also gives you access to buy used textbooks directly from students themselves.
- More used textbook volume.
- Our buyback marketplace is growing and it's growing fast. This volume is what we are giving you direct access to with ValoreBooks Source.
- Consolidated shipping and invoices.
- We source your inventory, check the condition of every book, and bin and hold your order until you’re ready.
- Sleek, easy-to-use interface.
- Log in to your Source account at anytime to adjust your want list, monitor your orders in progress, track shipments, or request returns. Advanced users can take advantage of our Source API Suite.